Enquiries welcome !
QLD security, security (guard) weapons/licence application or ongoing (refresher) training!
Know how to provide First Aid/CPR in an Emergency!
Regal Security & Industry Training is a Vocational Education Training (VET) RTO provider and NOT a CRICOS RTO provider

Pre-Enrolment eligibility
- Reading, writing and verbal English (min. Grade 10 level) highly recommended i.e 2-way radio, direct client, colleague, patron communication and report completion to security industry standards.
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) pre-enrolment checklist completion for ACSF LLN level 3 gap modification adjustment if required, or if higher referral to QLD TAFE English language and literacy (TELLS) services or relevant support services for pre-enrolment LLN upskilling, confidentially agreed by trainer and student.
- Visa holders must provide current VEVO report by email to confirm training/study eligibility status and/or if applicable, Medicare card (green) to meet Australian citizenship, VET RTO training and QLD security licence application eligibility before submitting enrolment form.

Quick Contact

- Unique Student Identifier (USI) number must be included on enrolment form to enable course or program certificate issuance to meet AQF Qualification Issuance standards. Create or access your U.S.I no: Create USI or Forgot USI / Password; view/download USI Transcript video; USI Fact Sheet;
Contact Regal Training, Southport on 07 56790110 or your closest Regal Training Provider for any queries before completing enrolment form.
COVID-19 precautions
Regal Training and our training providers are committed to ensure venue cleanliness and personal contact measures for the health and safety of all students and staff to meet current Department of Health and QLD Government Department advice and FAQs with viligance of personal hygiene, venue layout social distancing abidance and equipment precautions – before, during and after each class venue attendance.
Highly recommend contacting Regal Training (Southport) on 07 56790110 or preferred Regal Training provider by phone/email before attending venue due to limited venue seating for social distancing safety – 1.5 metres ( 2 arms length) seating.
All students are able to re-schedule their training plan course dates due to health, self isolation or carer responsibilities, with alternate distance facilitation and support options to meet individual student circumstances, idendified in RTO 32331 training and assessment strategy delivery and assessment modifications, and includes additional course dates and revised session plans, minimal venue attendance and alternate assessment options aligning to ASQA Coronavirus COVID-19 compliance arrangements.
Feeling sick? Check your symptoms on COVID-19 Symptom Checker
Program and Course Handbook Certificate 3 Guarantee Program Handbook
Regal Training enrolment forms include a Declaration of Handbook access for trainer & student responsibilities, code of conduct responsibilities, blended learning resources & assessment (tools) activities; RPL, principles and rules of assessment, refund, review/appeal process and much more – copies available in the training venue.
Get Started Today!!
- Select your program or course Enrolment form – download, save and complete all sections – email to [email protected] or call 07 56790110 to book in to complete at the Regal Training venue 1/42 Nerang Street, Southport or your preferred Regal Training provider – with enrolment eligibility documents for verification and WIIFM ‘What’s In It For Me’ induction, training plan, course booking or own preference!
- Program/Course fee receipting – in person; by invoice or by phone. Confirm your fee payment options – Certegy Ezi-Pay Hummm payment plans available for eligible applicants at Regal Training, Southport.
Program / Course Enrolment Form
Before completing and submitting your completed enrolment, please check your QLD security licence application (new or security function upgrade) conditions and eligibility including Part 10: disqualifying offences and maintaining your security licence holder eligibility – disqualifying offences. If unsure, contact Office of Fair Trading on 13 74 68.
- New QLD security licence application – CPP20218 CII in Security Operations for (unarmed) security officer and crowd control functions; including HLTAID011 Provide First Aid, HLTAID009 Provide CPR and Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) for client security in liquor licence premises/venues
- Upskill security function options: monitoring; (unarmed) cash-in-transit for armed security guard firearms safety course eligibility in the QLD weapon (guard) licence application process
- Current QLD security licence holders – upgrade options
- CPP31318 CIII in Security Operations (professional development program only)
- CPP31418 CIII in Close Protection Operations – bodyguard security function
- CPP30619 CIII in Investigative Services – private investigator security function
- Dog Handler Course – dog patrol security function (RPL only)
- Annual CPR, tri-annual security refresher training incl. HLTAID014 Provide Advanced First Aid.
QLD Government funded – Certificate 3 Guarantee Programs
CPP20218 CII in Security Operations or CPP30619 CIII in Investigative Services
available for Regal Training, Southport candidates
- Certificate 3 Guarantee Program eligibility and FAQs
- Call 07 56790110 to verify your QLD residency status and program eligibility requirements – check full information on the Certificate 3 Guarantee programs webpage!
Firearms Safety / ReQualification Enrolment Form
Before completing and submitting your completed enrolment, please check your QLD Weapon Licence Category C, E and H Conditions and Application Form for new or annual renewal licence application eligibility and requirements or QLD Firearms Safety – Minors Licence conditions and Application Form
Visa holders: Check CRICOS RTO locations or contact for your course type enquiry; Department of Home Affairs Student, Study or Work visa informationor contact for more information; Visa Entitlement Verification Online – VEVO to check visa conditions.
The Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) sets out the legal framework governing delivery of education to international students in Australia on a student visa. It is an offence under the ESOS Act 2000 for a registered training organisation (RTO) to provide training to an international student on a student visa, unless the training organisation holds registration and is an approved Australian education provider on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students – CRICOS.
Phone: (07) 5679 0110
Email: [email protected]
Physical Address:
1/42 Nerang St,
Southport, QLD, 4215
Postal Correspondence:
PO Box 5778 Q Supercentre,
Mermaid Waters QLD, 4218

ABN: 46 176 677 836
ACN: 156 550 613
RTO Number: 32331
Firm Licence: 3539164
TRAINING: Testimonials | Provide First Aid / CPR and Refresh Courses | SITHFAB002 Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) | Armed Robbery Awareness - 4 Hour Course | CPP20218 Certificate II in Security Operations R2 | CPP31318 CIII in Security Operations R4 | CPP30607 CIII in Investigative Services | QLD funded Programs - Certificate 3 Guarantee | CPP31418 CIII in Close Protection Operations | Monitoring Licence Function Course | Cash-In-Transit Licence Function Course | Security licence function Ongoing Training Courses | 10618NAT Course in Firearms Safety | Security Firearms Safety Course | Security Weapons Requalification | Security Firearms Safety Course - Cairns QLD | Security Weapons Requalification - Cairns QLD