If you have any questions about our security services or security courses/programs on the Gold Coast, please call one of our friendly staff members, or alternatively refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which may assist you.
- How can I pay for a Program or Course, and can I apply for a Program fee repayment option?
Programs & Courses – We accept cash, EFTPOS, Direct Deposit, and Electronic Funds Transfer – EFTPOS
Flexible program / Course fee payment instalments are available on confirmed StudyPay application outcome as you progress your program / course participation. Candidates must check their program / course pre-enrolment eligibility and StudyPay’s FAQ’s before applying online (approx. 5 minutes) for an instant outcome! On approval, candidate will complete their program / course enrolment form & provide eligibility forms to [email protected] for program induction training plan and course booking/s. Eligibility: 18 yrs+, Australian citizen/permanent resident, with ability to meet your nominated loan terms in pay-by-instalments (not regulated credit) For course or program bookings with a Regal Training 3rd party provider, please contact direct to confirm non-StudyPay fee payment options.
- Are refunds available?
Yes, in accordance with our refund policy. Refer to the Program or Course Enrolment Form, Program Handbook or Certificate 3 Guarantee Program Handbook

Quick Contact
Coronavirus COVID-19 student and staff venue safety measures
Regal Training and our training providers are committed to ensure venue cleanliness and personal contact measures for the health and safety of all students and staff to meet current Department of Health and QLD Government Department advice and FAQs with viligance of personal hygiene, venue layout social distancing abidance and equipment precautions – before, during and after each class venue attendance.
All students are able to re-schedule their training plan course dates due to health, self isolation or carer responsibilities, with alternate distance facilitation and support options to meet individual student circumstances, idendified in RTO 32331 training and assessment strategy delivery and assessment modifications to ASQA COVID-19 compliance measures.
Feeling sick? Check your symptoms on COVID-19 Symptom Checker
3. Are Regal Training programs and courses nationally recognised?
Yes – Regal Security & Industry Training Pty Ltd is recognised as an Australian Qualification Framework, Vocational Education Training (VET) nationally Recognised Training Organisation – RTO Provider Number 32331 since 2011, meeting regulatory Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Standards for RTOs 2015 compliancy and QLD funded program preferred provider since 2016, with Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) VET Investment program Skills Assure Supplier (SAS) Agreement 01/07/2020 – 30/06/2021 aligning to funded program guidelines and policies compliancy.
Regal Security & Industry Training RTO 32331 is a VET RTO provider and NOT a CRICOS RTO provider that provides training for international visa holder types. A current VEVO Report may include studying and working conditions, which must meet working in the security industry eligibility and licence application conditions, and LLN level 3 (Year 10 level) fluent English reading, writing, numeracy, learning and communication core foundation skills.
4. Where are you located, when are you open and is there parking?
Regal Training office/venue: Level 1, 1/42 Nerang Street Southport – next door and above the Cecil Hotel. Open Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 4pm. Call 07 5679 0110 if needing to attend the office up to 5pm.
Public Transport: Directly opposite the Regal Training office/venue: GLink Nerang Street, Southport Tram Stop. Plan your arrival / departure times with car parking available at most GLink station locations for commuting convenience.
Parking: Australia Fair (off Marine Parade) up to 3 hours free and Australia Fair Metro (Cnr Garden & Young Street) up to 2 hours free with applicable hourly rates available here . Alternatively there is all day paid parking on Suter Street Southport (450m from Regal Office); Hick Street Southport (280m from Regal Office), and additional parking options.
Is food available?
Located in the Southport CBD there is an abundance of food outlets or alternatively you can bring your own food, with a fridge and microwave for your convenience – Tea and Coffee facilities provided.
5. Is QLD Government Funding available?
Regal Security and Industry Training P/Ltd RTO 32331 is an approved Pre-Qualified Supplier (PQS) provider since 01/07/2016, and approved Vocational Education and Training (VET) Skills Assure Supplier (SAS) training provider for QLD VET Investment – Certificate 3 Guarntee and Higher Level Skills programs from 01/07/2020 to 31/06/2021 for the delivery of training and assessment services for CPP20218 CII in Security Operations and CPP30607 CIII in Investigative Services on the 2020 – 2021 VET Priority Skills List. Subsidised by the QLD Government – Department of Employment, Small Business & Training (DESBT) for eligible Queensland residents to enrol (once only) with the applicable co-contribution (non or concessional) fee to support applying for and/or ongoing training for Queensland employment opportunities.
What is the Certificate 3 Guarantee Program? Introduced by the QLD Government 1 July 2014 – QLD VET Reform Action Plan – Great Skills, Real Opportunities initiative for eligible Queenslanders’ who have not completed a Certificate III or higher qualification since leaving school, to access quality training programs that deliver effective skills to meet employment and business demands. This includes co-contribution subsidies for program fee/material costs to support employment pre-requisite mandatory security or P.I function/s training certification transcripts for the QLD Security Class 1 Licence application process. Eligibility requirements and conditions – Fact Sheet and FAQs.
6. When do I get my Qualification / Statement of Attainment transcripts?
On final assessment outcome of competent qualification completion, certification will be awarded in person, or by post if preferred for:
- RSA certification – same day of course demonstration completion
- Licence Function or CPR Re-Qualification Course – same day of course completion
- Licence Function Statement of Attainment – 1-2 units; same day of course completion
- Program Statement of Attainment – within 21 calendar days
- Program Recognition of Prior Learning – within 21 calendar days
- Blended Program Qualification – within 30 calendar days
Regal Training is proud to meet ASQA Standards for RTOS 2015 Standard 3 Clause 3.3: AQF certification documentation is issued to a learner within 30 calendar days of the learner being assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product if the training program in which the learner is enrolled is complete, and all agreed fees the learner owes to the RTO have been paid.
7. What is a Unique Student Identifier (U.S.I) number – and why do I need to provide it?
A USI number links to an online account that contains all your training records completed since 1 January 2015 onwards and required for inclusion in your student file record at the program / course enrolment stage. Easy access to your training records and transcripts e.g when applying for a job or when in enrolling in further study. Access the USI online portal for new USI application and support options including forgotten USI number or forgotten password.
8. What is a Credit Transfer?
If you have already been awarded a unit with the same code and title in a program or course package (unit) description. Original certification must be provided for verification, with the program or course cost not varied due to additional administrative processing. Please email [email protected] for further details.
9. What if I’ve already completed the same training records in a program or package?
Verified current HLTAID003 Provide First Aid and HLTAID001 Provide CPR transcript holders will be recorded as ‘RCC’ on completed program transcripts. Advanced First Aid/CPR certification holders must include codes: HLTAID003 and HLTAID001 or provide confirmation of codes on the issuing RTO’s scope. RSA certification currency from 01/07/2013 for QLD and interstate holders. Highly recommend RSA course completion to confirm currency of QLD OLGR legislative requirements. Call 07 5679 0110 for further details.
10. What do I need to apply for my QLD Security Licence?
Refer to QLD Security Licence Application conditions and eligibility. You are not eligible for a licence if you have been convicted of a disqualifying offence in the past 10 years, where a conviction was or was not recorded (this is known as an ‘unrecorded finding of guilt’). You may need to seek confirmation from the QLD Office of Fair Trading to confirm if you are a suitable person to apply for a QLD security licence, prior to program enrolment.
11. How do I get a QLD Weapon (Guard) Firearms Licence?
Must be a current holder of Cash-in-Transit function on QLD security licence; and
- QLD resident 18 yrs of age or older and is a fit and proper person
- Are a resident of Qld
- Have not, within the past 5 years, been convicted of a disqualifying offence including misuse of drugs, misuse of weapons, the use or threatened use of violence, or been the subject of a domestic violence protection order
- Have a genuine reason for a licence
- Can demonstrate appropriate training in the safe use of firearms, and have access to secure storage.
For more information: Refer to QLD Security Firearms Licence Application conditions and eligibility and https://www.police.qld.gov.au/programs/weaponsLicensing/default.htm
12. What if I want to work interstate e.g In NSW with a QLD security licence, or I want to work in QLD with an interstate security licence?
- Application Form for a NSW SECURITY LICENCE under the Mutual Recognition Act 1992 and/or Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997
- Application Form and conditions to either transfer to a QLD SECURITY LICENCE by interstate and New Zealand security licence holders; mutual recognition or temporary permit
Phone: (07) 5679 0110
Email: [email protected]
Physical Address:
1/42 Nerang St,
Southport, QLD, 4215
Postal Correspondence:
PO Box 5778 Q Supercentre,
Mermaid Waters QLD, 4218

ABN: 46 176 677 836
ACN: 156 550 613
RTO Number: 32331
Firm Licence: 3539164
TRAINING: Testimonials | Provide First Aid / CPR and Refresh Courses | SITHFAB002 Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) | Armed Robbery Awareness - 4 Hour Course | CPP20218 Certificate II in Security Operations R2 | CPP31318 CIII in Security Operations R4 | CPP30607 CIII in Investigative Services | QLD funded Programs - Certificate 3 Guarantee | CPP31418 CIII in Close Protection Operations | Monitoring Licence Function Course | Cash-In-Transit Licence Function Course | Security licence function Ongoing Training Courses | 10618NAT Course in Firearms Safety | Security Firearms Safety Course | Security Weapons Requalification | Security Firearms Safety Course - Cairns QLD | Security Weapons Requalification - Cairns QLD