11029NAT Course in Firearms & Weapons Safety replaces the superseded 10618NAT Course in Firearms Safety as mandatory QLD Firearms Safety Course training for QLD Weapon Licence application purposes.

Quick Contact
Regal Security & Industry Training Pty Ltd RTO Provider No. 32331 is an approved training provider of 11029NAT Course in Firearms & Weapons Safety that has been specifically designed and developed by the Queensland Police Service Weapons Licencing Branch – see our Google Review feedback from weapon safety course accredited participants.
This course is available with Regal Training, Southport and training providers in Hillcrest and Woolloongabba in a combination of trainer-led theory (knowledge and skills) and practical (task skills) demonstration assessment tools with highly experienced and qualified weapons training professionals.
Regal Security & Industry Training is a Vocational Education Training (VET) RTO provider and NOT a CRICOS RTO provider
Click to open/close your blended learning course eligibility, enrolment, participation steps!
Course nominations - Weapon Category descriptions
Course nominations to enable participation in sports target shooting; recreational hunting; collectors; weapons collectors; crossbow hunters and employment in pest environment controller by completion of the applicable Units of Competency:
- NAT11029001 Demonstrate knowledge of weapons legislation, weapons & community safety
- NAT11029002 Use Category A and B firearms lawfully, safely and responsibly
- NAT11029003 Use of Category C firearms lawfully, safely and responsibly
- NAT11029004 Use of Category D firearms lawfully, safely and responsibly
- NAT11029005 Use of Category H firearms lawfully, safely and responsibly
Regal Security and Industry Training are able to package Units to meet Category licencing requirements for Business, Groups, Individuals and Minors.
Weapon Category
Category A, B and H course is suitable for firearms use in Sports/Target Shooting, Recreational, Collecting Firearms and Occupational e.g animal controllers, rural employee/primary production. Firearms include:
- Air Rifles, Paintball Guns, Lever Action and Pump Action Rifles, Semi-Automatic Pistols and Revolvers, Muzzle Loading Firearms, Bolt Action and Single and Double Barrel Shotguns
Category C and D Firearms is suitable for specialised use for occupational / licence function requirements including primary producers, pest controllers, firearms dealers, armourers, instructors and theatrical ordnance suppliers. Firearms include:
- Semi-Automatic Rifles, Semi-Automatic and Pump Action Shotguns
Minors Licence options:
- Category A, B or H – Sports or Target shooting
Check your category requirements for applicable licence requirements, or call us to discuss
Course Eligibility
- Reading, writing and verbal English (min. Grade 10 level) highly recommended i.e 2-way radio, direct client, colleague, patron communication and report completion to security industry standards.
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) pre-enrolment checklist completion for ACSF LLN level 3 gap modification adjustment, or if higher referral to QLD TAFE English language and literacy (TELLS) services or relevant support services for pre-enrolment LLN upskilling, confidentially agreed by trainer and student.
- Course/Program Handbook access for information including LLN, student kit resources, evidence assessment tools, conditions and review and appeal process to enable completion of the Enrolment Form – Part 9 Handbook Declaration.
- QLD weapon licence application form conditions and following eligibility criteria:
- Must be over 18 years of age, or persons 11 to 17 years of age may apply for a Minor’s Licence
- Are a resident of Queensland, with proof of address required in the application process
- Are a fit and proper person and have not, within the past five years, been convicted of a disqualifying offence including misuse of drugs, misuse of weapons, the use or threatened use of violence, or been the subject of a domestic violence protection order.
- Have a genuine reason for a licence, and able to demonstrate appropriate training in the safe use of firearms; and
- Have access to secure storage
Course eligibility documents provided for completion of Part 7 in the Enrolment Form to verify:
- Age & Photo I.D: Driver Licence or 18+ Card. Parental/guardian consent for candidates 11-17 years of age
- Citizenship status to verify Australia or New Zealand or Australia permanent resident: Medicare Card (green) or Passport
- Support document: EFTPOS Card or residential utilities account e.g power/phone
Industry compliance: Training record requirement for QLD weapons licence application. The Weapons Licencing Branch of the Queensland Police is responsible for the licence application process with support documents required and application fee payable at lodgement.
- Course certification must be within 12 months for weapons licence application purposes.
- If licence lapses, completion of the 11029NAT Course in Firearms & Weapons Safety will be required to meet licence application process.
Step 1 - Enrolment and Participation
Come into the office/training venue at 1/42 Nerang Street, Southport to complete Course pre-enrolment compliance forms before sign/dating your Enrolment Form (also available on the Enrolment Forms page) while we verify your I.D documents, issue Course fee receipt, and provide an overview of the 1 day course assessment tool competency requirements.
Training Venue: Theory (knowledge and skills). A detailed overview of QLD weapons legislative requirements, safety, storage and transportation leading to specific handling skills, knowledge and awareness of self and others safety in the training venue for Theory workbook completion; and
Practical (task skills) demonstration. Attend a shooting range for theory (underpinning knowledge/skills) transfer to practical (task skills) demonstration for practical live fire assessment which we provide PPE for personal safety. Suitable clothing is highly recommended: closed-in shoes, comfortable fitting long pants and top.
Step 2 - Assessment Outcome and Course Evaluation
Certification (training record)
- Competent course completion will result in issuance of your 10618NAT Course in Firearms Safety training record with the applicable Weapons category transcript for submission in the QLD weapons licence or renewal application online process with relevant support documents and fee for processing.
- Student file administration fee of $20 for original certificate replacement requests will apply.
Course Evaluation Form completion contributes to the Regal Security & Industry Training RTO 32331 Scope of Program/Course resources and delivery/assessment validation process, and for optional inclusion on our Student Testimonial webpage or your direct feedback on Google Review most welcomed!
Regal Security & Industry Training RTO 32331 is committed to ensuring each students’ volume and duration of learning reflects competent certification of the AQF CIII program training package – Unit of Competency evidence guide requirements, and is adjusted accordingly to reflect the percentage of the total unit/s of competency from a training package completed meets the AQF Principals of Assessment; C.A.V.S (current, authentic, valid, sufficient) assessment guidelines and ASQA Standards for RTOs compliance requirements.
Enrolment Form
Fee: Category A & B: $150 Category A, B & H: $225 Category H or C or D: $150 each
Please contact us – we are highly reputable in the delivery and assessment of weapons safety course training and assessment for QLD Weapons Licence requirements.
Phone: (07) 5679 0110
Email: [email protected]
Physical Address:
1/42 Nerang St,
Southport, QLD, 4215
Postal Correspondence:
PO Box 5778 Q Supercentre,
Mermaid Waters QLD, 4218

ABN: 46 176 677 836
ACN: 156 550 613
RTO Number: 32331
Firm Licence: 3539164
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