
Statement For Regal Security Training

Dear Regal Security clients and members of the public,

We find it necessary to respond to the recent 9News publication dated 18 May 2022 regarding the alleged mistreatment of members of the public by Gold Coast security guards.

The 9News publication refers to several different incidents involving security guards at a client’s premises in Labrador.

We want to make clear that neither Regal Security, nor its affiliates were in any way involved in the incident which allegedly caused an individual to spend nine days in a coma.

We are, however, aware of an incident which saw two Regal Security employees pushing a woman in an attempt to remove her from the client’s venue.

We do not condone or endorse this type of conduct from any of our staff, and violence in any form, will not be tolerated.

We have taken appropriate steps to conduct an internal investigation into the incident and consequently, these two individuals have had their employment terminated.

Regal Security maintains the highest standards of training for all its employees and staff. As a prerequisite for employment, our security guards are subjected to a thorough vetting process which involves a National Police Check, an examination of their individual character and values, and workplace sensitivity training. Additionally, we require that our security guards participate in the continual development of these skills.

Regal Security is a family run, locally owned business, having operated in Gold Coast venues for over 15 years. The safety of our clients’ patrons, staff and the wider community are at the forefront of our priorities as a business.

We will continue to uphold the highest professional standards, moving forward, and look forward to servicing the Gold Coast community for years to come.

Yours sincerely,




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