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AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy

Australian Qualification Framework
Regal Security and Industry Training Pty Ltd is a highly regarded multi-security services provider and nationally Recognised Training Organisation (RTO) Provider 32331 since 01/02/2010​ specialising in security industry and firearms safety licencing training requirements; First Aid and CPR; RSA; firearms safety and security licence function refresh courses to meet regulatory and legislatative requirements.
We actively support up-skilling young adults and children to learn basic first aid and CPR for emergency situations; and safe weapons handling training to QLD weapons – minor licence eligibility and conditions with guardian/parental consent in safe learning environments.

Full Program or units completed in a program training package or a Course Statement of Attainment certification (testamur and record of results) to the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) 2nd Edition – Qualification Issuance Policy standards is integral in maintaining our strong reputation in all program and course instructional design concepts, delivery and assessment methodologies supporting each candidate on their learning journey for career aspirations and ongoing learning opportunities.

With a professional team network of highly experienced security professionals with TAE qualified trainers and assessors in the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Cairns with security industry RTO 3rd party arrangement providers, we have over 22 years ‘real life’ industry experience to share, guide and support while maintaining strong relationships with each student, respecting work/life commitments.



The Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) was introduced in 1995 to underpin the national system of qualifications in Australia encompassing higher education, vocational education (VET) and schools and is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training incorporating qualifications from each education and training sector into a single comprehensive national qualifications framework.

The AQF Framework (2nd Edition) details the AQF type specifications from SSCE, CI – CIV and Diploma to Doctoral Degree level criteria and qualification type descriptors (page 11) with detailed information for Certificate II on pages 29-31 and/or Certificate III on pages 32-34. Access the full AQF Framework (2nd Edition) – here

AQF Qualification Issuance Policy

2.1 Issuing AQF qualifications

  • 2.1.1 All graduates who have completed a program of learning that leads to the award of an AQF qualification are entitled to receive the following certification documentation on award of the qualification: a testamur*, and a record of results. A graduation statement will also be issued as its usage is adopted across the education and training sectors.
  • 2.1.2 Students who complete part of the requirements of an AQF qualification in which they are enrolled are entitled to receive a record of results.

Source:  AQF Framework (2nd Edition) page 70    * Testamur – a certificate proving an examination has been passed.

2.5 Issuing statements of attainment

The issuance of a statement of attainment recognises that students do not always study a whole AQF qualification. They may choose to complete only a unit or units of competence or study from an accredited qualification or an accredited short course. Through the use of the statement of attainment, the AQF acknowledges that completion of accredited units contributes to the progression towards achievement of an individual’s lifelong learning goals. (Accreditation must follow the same process as for an AQF qualification.)

  • 2.5.1 Students who have completed an accredited unit(s) in these circumstances are entitled to receive a statement of attainment. (In the vocational education and training sector issuance of a statement of attainment in these circumstances is considered mandatory.)
  • 2.5.2 Statements of attainment will only be issued by organisations authorised by legislation to do so. (Authorisation of organisations to issue statements of attainment must follow the same process as for an AQF qualification.)
  • 2.5.3 Any issuing organisation issuing statements of attainment for accredited units is required to adhere to any government regulatory and quality assurance arrangements and compliance is monitored by the relevant accrediting authority.

Source:  AQF Framework (2nd Edition) page 73

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