Price: $399
Steel Wall Cabinet with alarm and red flashing light
Regal Security & Industry Training confirm that all medical products are approved by the regulatory Authority within Australia and will only be sold withing Australia & New Zealand.
Regal is an Approved distributor of Aero Healthcare Australia

Phone: (07) 5679 0110
Email: [email protected]
Physical Address:
1/42 Nerang St,
Southport, QLD, 4215
Postal Correspondence:
PO Box 5778 Q Supercentre,
Mermaid Waters QLD, 4218

ABN: 46 176 677 836
ACN: 156 550 613
RTO Number: 32331
Firm Licence: 3539164
TRAINING: Testimonials | Provide First Aid / CPR and Refresh Courses | SITHFAB002 Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) | Armed Robbery Awareness - 4 Hour Course | CPP20218 Certificate II in Security Operations R2 | CPP31318 CIII in Security Operations R4 | CPP30607 CIII in Investigative Services | QLD funded Programs - Certificate 3 Guarantee | CPP31418 CIII in Close Protection Operations | Monitoring Licence Function Course | Cash-In-Transit Licence Function Course | Security licence function Ongoing Training Courses | 10618NAT Course in Firearms Safety | Security Firearms Safety Course | Security Weapons Requalification | Security Firearms Safety Course - Cairns QLD | Security Weapons Requalification - Cairns QLD